8 Arenas of Life


What would be different in your life if you no longer had to manage all of these influences? How would your life be different if you only had to listen, follow, and remain loyal to ONE VOICE?


Use this video to teach your group the 8 Arena’s of Life Tool.

Use this video for Leader Tips for the 8 Arenas Tool.

The 8 Arenas is a study to help develop Bible study habits and discover how Jesus is Lord in all areas of life.


  • Present the 8 Arenas of Life. Every man and woman consistently encounters these 8 arenas in their lives.

Politics: Views and Values

Faith: What do you believe & why?

Money: Spending, Saving, & Giving

Work: Work Ethic, Career Choice, & Rest

Education: Continued Learning & Teaching

Relationship: Friends, Family, Dating, & Marriage

Identity: Who are you? Why did you answer that way?

Entertainment: Hobbies, Activities, Listen, Watch & Read

  • Who are the primary influences in each arena? What you want to uncover are the many voices and opinions each person is navigating on a daily basis.

  • This tool is best introduced by listing the 8 Arenas out like the image above and allowing the members of your group to come up and list out their primary influences.

  • Outcome: The following questions will reveal the tension and stress we sometimes carry as we listen, follow, and remain loyal to those who are teaching us how to do life. We want to have one primary influence - JESUS. This tool will help us discover how Jesus has commanded us to live. (John 14:15, Matt 28:20)

  • At this point you should have several influences listed. This is a time for a great question. Ask, "What do you do when you have influences who give you differing opinions? How do you choose who you will follow? How do you keep everyone happy?"

  • ASK - What would be different in your life if you no longer had to manage all of these influences? How would your life be different if you only had to listen, follow, and remain loyal to ONE VOICE?


  • This tool allows us to enable God to penetrate every area of our life and help us make our decisions based on how He is leading us. We are laying down our burdens (Matthew 11:28-30) and casting our cares on the Lord (Psalm 55:22).

  • Take 5 weeks to teach this tool. Take the first week to explain the tool and teach the above. Then, focus each week on 2 of the arenas. At the end of each week, let your members know which 2 you will focus on next and ask them to find any Bible verses they discover that speaks directly to these arenas of life. Each week list out the verses and dive into what God is asking concerning these arenas.