A faithful rhythm of spending time in God’s Word.
Your group has spent the past several weeks getting to know each other well. While doing so, the hope is that you begin to have conversations of spending regular time in God’s Word. The benchmark of ABIDING allows you to see how faithful your group is being with this practice.
Use this video to learn more about Abiding.
Purpose: Benchmarks are points in your discipling groups journey that allow for the group to stop and evaluate how everyone is doing in a particular area. Before moving on to Phase 2, take one of your group sessions to stop, ask questions, and assess how each member is doing in the area of Abiding.
John 15:1-10
Remain in Him - Abide in Him.
Apart from Him we can do nothing.
John 17:17 - Truth of His Word
2 Timothy 3:16-17 - Scripture’s importance to believers.
Psalm 119:11 - Store up His Word
Your group has spent the past several weeks in Phase 1 getting to know each other well. While doing so, the hope is that you begin to have conversations of spending regular time in God’s Word. The benchmark of ABIDING allows you to see how faithful your group is being with this practice. Before moving into Phase 2, see if your group is actively doing the following:
Have a basic understanding of hearing the voice of the Lord
Have a faithful rhythm of spending time in God’s Word
Each member is able to voice what it means personally to Abide including but not limited to reading God’s Word.
Group Action Steps:
If you do not have a clear picture of the abide rhythms of the people in your group, please don’t be scared to ask them how they are doing in this area. Abiding with Christ will be essential for transformation in Phase 2 of the discipling pathway.
If the majority of your group checks the three boxes above, move to Phase 2. If they do not, stop here and have a group time of abiding. This may be a point that you have to reteach the Seven Arrows and Eat the Word tools so that your group fully understands what it means to Abide.
Questions to ask:
How is everyone doing in the area of abiding? Tell me a few of your practices and rhythms that you are following?
What is the Lord currently saying to you through his Word? What are you doing about it?
Why would abiding be important to our next steps in discipleship? (Answer: John 15:4)