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One Common Language + One Common Method = Uncommon Transformation

It is important that each person in our discipling process is saying the same thing. Therefore, we use a common language to allow for multiplication and discipling growth over the course of several “generations of spiritual family”. Having a universal language that is spoken when referring to discipleship brings everyone together, eases communication, and allows people to engage and share common information. We are all “on the same page” in such a way that any person in discipleship should be able to clearly communicate, expound, and replicate each of the tools easily with others.

Our methodology is “caught not taught”, meaning that we want each person in our discipleship groups to not simply download information, but to experience how each tool can work in their life. Yet, we still desire to have a common method that each and every group follows. The D3 Pathway lays out a simple progression for your D-Group to follow that will lead to transformation. Over the course of multiple years, we have a proven track record of tools we cover and methods we follow that can produce life change for those willing to allow the Holy Spirit to speak deeply into their lives.

Once these two things are applied, through the power of the Holy Spirit we see results of uncommon transformation. What we mean by that is that each person will see the Holy Spirit working in.a different way in their life. However, the hope is that each and every person in our d-groups and in our churches see, experience and encounter Jesus in a new way! In addition, that each person in discipleship be changed in a way that looks more and more like Jesus.

Moving through our discipleship pathway our focus and goal is that we are able to Discover > Disciple > Deploy multiple generations of Spiritual leaders that are then able to replicate this within the body of the church.

We pray that you will join us on this journey. Whether you are a part of New City Church and looking to get plugged in, our you are a church leader looking for an intentional discipling pathway to implement into your church. We want to get you started on the path to transformation in your life and in your church.