For building the church.
Based off of teaching from Ephesians 4, we see unique ways that each individual is gifted for “the building of the body”. Though we are each unique in our gifting, all are needed for the church to grow into maturity like that of Christ. This survey tool allows us to see how each person is gifted and teach them what it means to work out of that gifting for the sake of the church.
Purpose: Based on teaching from Ephesians 4, we see unique ways that each individual is gifted for “the building of the body” and equipping of the saints. This tool helps us to see how each person in our group is gifted and gives us a chance to point them to service in that area.
Primary: Ephesians 4:11-16
11 And He personally gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors (shepherds) and teachers, 12 for the training of the saints in the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ…
Have your group take the Five Fold Survey before they come to the group, or after you have spent an evening explaining it.
Say: Why is it important to know and find our role in the church?
We are each a vital part of the church. The sooner we can find our gifting, we find our place within the body of the church. This survey allows us the opportunity to find out how we are wired in this season and how we might be most effective in the growth of the church.
Take your group through each of the descriptions below to help them further understand the gifting that they currently have.
Group Action Steps:
Ask your group to take the Five Fold Survey found at fivefoldsurvey.com
Have your group members then bring their results to the group as you explain the importance of what they have found!
The various giftings have distinct attributes, ramifications and responsibilities. The conclusion of the test produces a detailed list and explanation for the dominant role. Here are shortened descriptions for each of the roles.
People who score highest with an Apostolic position are Dream Awakeners* in the Kingdom of God. They awaken people to their God designed potential. They are instrumental in people discovering who they really are, and walking alongside them to get there. They forge new paths in the Kingdom and are a catalyst for change wherever they go.
A mature Apostle - Is a visionary, catalytic pioneer, always pushing into new territory, eager to discover and explore. Apostles like to establish new churches or ministries. They constantly come up with new, innovative means to do kingdom work.
An immature Apostle - Might stay so utterly focused on initiating new ideas and rapid expansion, that they leave people wounded behind them. They are always starting new things but never finishing them.
People who score highest with a Prophetic position are Heart Revealers* in the Kingdom of God. They are effective in revealing God’s heart for His people where ever they go. They can accurately discern God’s heart for a situation. They help people experience God’s voice for the very first time and help them develop hearing the voice of God in their own life.
A mature Prophet - Listens closely to God and humbly communicates to the Body, even if it’s sometimes with a challenging or corrective word. Prophets are in-tune with God and therefore able to discern his will and his truth. They can stand back from circumstances and get a clear picture of what is happening; this allows them to see creative solutions and cast vision.
An immature Prophet - Assumes they’re always right. And because they’re “always right,” they want to move straight from Revelation to Application, skipping a critical Interpretation step in their desire to quickly see God’s will/ vision completed.
People who score highest with an Evangelist position are Story Tellers* in the Kingdom of God. They make the stories of Jesus’s remarkable goodness and love famous. They are the carrier of good news and partner with Jesus in celebrating people’s transformation. They stir curiosity and desire to know Jesus. Their life is a living invitation to all to join the Family of God.
A mature Evangelist - Is an infectious communicator of the Gospel message, who recruits others to join the cause. Evangelists call for a personal response to God’s loving, saving redemption in Christ and draw believers to engage with the ongoing mission of growing the Church.
An immature Evangelist - May be tempted to reduce the Gospel to keeping people from hell when they die, while ignoring Jesus’ invitation to discipleship and the power of the kingdom while living here on earth.
People who score highest with a shepherd position are Soul Healers* in the Kingdom of God. They are instrumental in guiding people through brokenness back to wholeness and healing their soul from wounds that keep them where they are. They create a safe atmosphere of family and belonging. They bring fun and enjoyment to God's ministry and allow people to feel like they are part of a greater family.
A mature Pastor - Can identify needs, provide comfort, and encourage others. Pastors easily empathize with others and exhibit lots of patience with those in need. Out of a drive to nurture, protect, and love God’s people, they spend most of their time with other Christians.
An immature Pastor - Because they’re so comfortable with people in their brokenness—and fearful of making someone angry—pastors just beginning to exercise their gifting may avoid challenging others to take steps toward healing, transformation and redemption.
People who score highest with a Teaching Position are Light Givers* in the Kingdom of God. They make the truth and knowledge about God accessible to all. They have an ability for breaking confusion and misinformation. They are strategic in helping people know the truth of God and also how it applies to their own life.
A mature Teacher - Looks for effective methods to explain, enlighten and apply God’s truth, wisdom and ways. Teachers assist others in remaining biblically grounded, learning to discern God’s will, and helping the community remain faithful to Christ’s own teachings.
An immature Teacher - May aspire to “wow” their students with their own intellect and prowess rather than share the authority given to them from Scripture and the Holy Spirit, or leading by personal example. They want to teach everything they know as they teach.
***Information from fivefoldministry.com
Questions to ask:
Do you agree with the results of your survey?
What do these steps mean for you?
What do you think your unique role in the church might be?