Sharing Your Story

Everyone has a story.

Our story often defines who we are today. The beliefs and values that we have can typically be traced back to our past. During this time together, each person in your group will share their full story. One of the best ways to verbalize this: “each person will share the major benchmarks of their life that have brought them to be the person they are today”.

Use this video to teach your group how to share their stories.

Use this video for leader tips.

Purpose: A person’s personal story has great impact on the person that they are today! We begin our discipling process by everyone sharing their story. By bringing honesty, vulnerability and transparency to your group you are going to find a deep connection that you will be able to build on for the rest of your time together as a D-Group.


  • John 9:1-25 - Sharing our story

    v. 1-17 - the blind man shares his story of who he was before encountering Jesus and after.

    v. 24-25 - the blind man shares the truth of what Jesus did in his life.

  • Revelation 12:10-11 - The power of our testimony

  • John 4:28 & 39 - Telling others what Jesus has done in our life

    v. 28 - the woman went and told all that Jesus had done.

    v. 39 - The people believed because of her testimony.


Each of us are uniquely crafted and each have a unique story of how the Lord has led us to this point. Through this exercise we hope to build community and relational equity with one another. By knowing each others stories we will get to know each other on a deeper, more intimate level.

You will teach this tool by sharing your story and showing a clear example to the individuals in your group.

We want to encourage each member to be open and honest while sharing their story. This transparency builds deeper trust and understanding within the group.

Affirm that D-Group is a closed-door meeting where information will not be discussed with others outside of the group.

Group Action Steps:

Each person in your group will compile and create their story to share. Please understand this is more than just their personal testimony, this is the major events in their life that have brought them to where they are today. Each member of your group should get a full week to share their story. (ex. 5 people in your group should take 5 weeks for everyone to share their story including leaders)

We ask that you the leader go first displaying honest and vulnerable examples of “benchmarks” in your life. A great story includes childhood, family life, spiritual background, education, occupation & more. In addition, have each person in your group keep notes about the other people as they share.

Questions to ask:

  • What are major life events that have shaped you over your life? (ex. What was your home like growing up? Were your parents married, divorced or separated? Did your family go to church? etc.) Find more examples below.

  • When did you commit to be a believer and follower of Jesus?

  • Have you been baptized?