Marriage Square
4 Types of Love
The Marriage Square is designed to show the power of the four known types of love (Agape, Phileo, Storge and Eros) confined to the sacred covenant of marriage. Marriage is the only institution where we are free to experience all of the expressions in their fullness.
Use this video to teach your group the Marriage Square.
Marriage is the only place where we are free to experience all four expressions of love fully.
This tool is designed to show the power of the four known types of love confined to the sacred covenant of marriage. Finding a healthy balance can radically change the way we love and look at our spouse.
Agape love is sacrificial love. This is the most noble and powerful type of love because it is an act of the will. Christ showed this on the cross.
Phileo love is brotherly love. This is shown most often within close friendships. This is a generous and affectionate love that has no expectation of acts of kindness in return. (1 Samuel 18:1-3)
Storge is affectionate love. This is natural love between family members and friends that is very unforced like the love of a parent and a child.
Eros is sexual or passionate love. God created this love, just like the rest, and it is important in a marriage relationship. Song of Solomon paints a great example.
John 21:15-19
1 Thessalonians 4:3-5
1 Corinthians 13
Without the power of Agape love infusing these types of love, we tend to default to our flesh and the foundations of these words begin to crumble.
Phileo, Storge and Eros produce life abundantly when fueled by the sacrificial love of Agape.
A good balance of all four of these types of love can help to create a healthy and balanced relationship.
Marriage is meant to be a testimony to the world of the unity of the Trinity, therefore care and responsibility must be taken to let it shine before all men. These four types of love all have their origin and flow life from them as they are infused with agape love. Phileo, Storge and Eros produce life abundantly when fueled by the sacrificial love of Agape.
Without the power of agape love infusing these types of love, we tend to default to our flesh and the foundations of these words begin to crumble. One need not look far to see the turmoil caused when the opposite of these words begin to arise.