Maturity Circle
Growth of the Believer.
The growth in a person's spiritual journey can often be hard to measure. Without having language to identify it, your chances of becoming stuck in your walk will be a strong possibility. The MATURITY CIRCLE has developed a wheel to counteract this scenario. This diagram below allows the faithful to evaluate where they are as well as providing an outlook for where they are headed.
Purpose: This tool is designed to help the people in your group to understand where they are in their walk with Jesus and recognize it in others. By learning where others are on their journey, we will be equipped to help give them what they need to progress.
Hebrews 5:11-14 - Infant
Luke 6:45 - Teen
Ephesians 4:11 - Adult
2 Timothy 2:2 - Parent
Joel 1:3 - Grandparent
When we understand how a disciple grows, we see how we can intentionally make disciples. This tool shows us the “why” of discipleship, by giving us a clear picture of spiritual maturity in the life of a Jesus follower.
As you teach this tool, you will cover 6 stages of growth for a disciple, helping your group to understand the characteristics and needs of each stage, and recognize some key phrases people say in each stage. In addition, we learn next steps for an individual for spiritual growth in each of the stages.
Group Action Steps:
Ask your group to draw out the Maturity Circle and divide it into the 6 sections as shown. While walking your group through the circle ask them what characteristics and statements one might see from each stage. Begin with the Lost stage and work clockwise around the circle.
The stages are as follows:
Lost - In this phase, you are blinded by the truth. You make statements like “there is no God” or “I will take my chances” This person needs Jesus and the gospel.
Crisis of Belief (Next steps into the next stage) - They accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Infant - In this phase, the process of becoming more like Jesus has begun. A spiritual infant makes statements like “Why do I need to go to church regularly?” or “I didn’t know the Bible said that”. This person needs someone to walk alongside them and help them grow.
Crisis of Belief - Begin to “feed” themselves.
Teen - In this phase, you have made a needed connection to God’s word and the church. A spiritual teen makes statements like “I am comfortable with the way things are in my relationship with Jesus.” or “My small group is really taking care of me and my needs”. A person in this stage tends to be very self-centered and overconfident. This person needs to take the focus off themselves and focus in on others.
Crisis of Belief - Begin to focus on others more than self
Adult - In this phase, a person has a God-and-others centered outlook. This stage covers a wide span of spiritual growth. An adult makes statements like “I love my group but others need a group like this as well” or “look at all the people at church today - it’s awesome!” This person needs a place to learn how to serve, help identifying gifts, and skills training.
Crisis of Belief - This person has spiritual kids
Parent - In this phase, a person has reproduced or has a spiritual child. They make disciples that make disciples. A spiritual parent reproduces disciples and feeds themselves in a way they often share it with others. Phrases a spiritual parent might say include statements like “this guy at work asked me to explain the Bible to him, pray for me please” or I realized my biggest responsibility is discipling my family as well as others”.
Crisis of Belief - Spiritual kids have kids
Grandparent - In this phase, a person has made disciples that have now made disciples. A second generation of discipled individuals has been birthed and spiritual family is formed. A spiritual grandparent might say things like “I am excited to see my spiritual child leading others through discipleship” or “I am excited to see what God is doing through the lives of others”.
Use the comparison of actual life stages to give examples of how a person may act spiritually. (i.e. - An infant needs help being fed, walking, and learning)
**Refer to the button above for more phrases and sayings
**We must be careful not to label individuals in each of these categories. These titles simply help us to become aware of where someone is in their spiritual journey, and where growth is possible.
Questions to ask:
Where would you plot yourself on this circle currently? Where do you hope to be?
What steps or areas of your life do you think you need to mature in to get to where you want to be?
Why is is important that we mature spiritually as believers?
Do you know any physically old individuals who might be spiritual immature? or young individuals who are spiritually mature? What characteristics stand out to you?