People of Peace.

According to the gospel of Luke, People of Peace welcome you, like you and serve you. In other words, “peace is promoted” between you and People of Peace and they listen to you. We like to say they “have big ears” for you. When you find these things playing out in front of you, Jesus’ simple words to his disciples are “Stay There”.

People of Peace

According to the gospel of Luke, People of Peace welcome you, like you and serve you. In other words, “peace is promoted” between you and People of Peace and they listen to you. We like to say they “have big ears” for you. When you find these things playing out in front of you, Jesus’ simple words to his disciples are “Stay There”.

Missionaries and church planters talk about finding “persons of peace” in a neighborhood, city, or marketplace. Often the person of peace will have friends and relatives who are open to gospel witness and are welcoming to followers of Jesus. Finding them is but one “tool of the trade” that assists in locating those in whom God may be at work in a community. Often, these people or “households of peace” are like a gateway relationship into a family, neighborhood, or community. Consider prayerfully seeking them out as you go about living more intentionally.

We can see this pattern or principle in the New Testament:

We can often recognize a person of peace because they will:

  1. Welcome you

  2. Receive you

  3. Be open to you and your friendship

  4. Be open to what you have to say about Jesus

  5. Be interested in and open to the life you live as a follower of Jesus

  6. Assist or serve you in some ways

As you go about your daily life, learn to pray and be alert to these people of peace. Be intentional; look for them. Calibrate your spiritual radar so you can “catch” the opportunities God provides as you simply pray and look around.

Be intentional about seeking out people of peace, and expect that God will be at work in some. Only the Holy Spirit can open blind eyes and change hearts and grant repentance and faith in Christ. Pray to encounter people of peace, listen to and learn their stories, and then be ready to tell your own story (testimony). Finally, though, be sure to tell them the gospel.