D3 Pathway

Use this tool if you would rather have one of our discipled leaders help you teach this tool to your discipleship group.

The Pathway

The D3 Pathway was designed to give a clear process for individuals to lead others in a discipling relationship. Clarity and intentionality are two of the biggest factors that help us to grow in discipleship. As the foundational tool for discipleship, this tool allows every D-Group to have a clear path of how to see transformation in the lives of those in their group.

Discover. Disciple. Deploy.

Our hope is to make disciples, that make disciples, that make disciples. We do so with an intentional strategy and pathway called D3. This simple square shape allows us to easily remember the four phases that make up our discipling process. Each of the four phases of the pathway have a strategic purpose to impact the life of a Jesus follower. Benchmarks along the way give clarity and direction to the exact location of each member of the group. Built under the heading and purposes of discovering, discipling and deploying multiple generations of discipling leaders, this process has seen amazing transformation happen in the lives of many.


P1: Stories - Allows us to connect and grow closer together as a group allowing us the opportunity to confidently speak into each others lives.

Benchmark: Abiding - Ensures that each individual has a healthy rhythm of spending time in God’s Word before advancing into phase two.


P2: Transformation - Transformation is the reason that we spend time in discipleship. We want to see hearts and lives transformed to look more like Jesus. During Phase 2 we spend time teaching and applying multiple tools to our lives to help us clearly see what God wants to show us.

Benchmark: The Out - This step ensures that the group has spent time together meeting a physical need and sharing the gospel.

P3: Competency - Competency is a key piece before an individual is deployed. During this phase individuals are given a “safe place” to reteach and revisit the tools before being deployed. This also allows us to protect our discipling language and methods.

BENCHMARK: People of Peace - Before moving into deployment individuals are encouraged to begin finding the people that they feel as though God is leading them toward to disciple and pass along the things they have been taught.


P4: Deploy - Jesus gave the directive to “go and make disciples”. Once an individual is “deployed” they are sent to do just that. To replicate and teach others the things they have experienced in their discipling journey.