Learning Circle
Jesus wants to breakthrough.
This tool is designed to teach people how to hear the voice of the Lord and respond to it. Of all the tools, we encourage you to become proficient in this one, to become a master craftsman if you will. Heaven is waiting to break into your life.
Use this video to teach your group the Learning Circle.
This video is Leaders Tips and Tricks for The Learning Circle.
What is God saying to you and what are you going to do about it?
Answering these two questions is the foundation of what this tool helps us to accomplish. The Lord often speaks to each of us through His Holy Spirit. We can even hear what He is asking us to do. However, often we can get stuck by simply hearing and not taking any steps toward doing anything about it.
How do we do that?
There are six simple steps for each kairos moment and we will elaborate on each one.
Observe: “What just happened?", “What is happening?” “What do you see?”
Reflect: "Why did this happen?" This is usually the heart of the matter.
Discuss: "Here’s what I heard you say; here’s what I’m reminded of."
Plan: What do I do about what God seems to be saying to me?
Accountability: Report their plan within 48 hours to their Spiritual Parent.
Act: Carry-out the plan.
Observation Phase
The observation phase is the place where Kairos begins. Observations can me made on any plane of existence as all things have been made through Him, for Him and by Him (Colossians 1). Remember as well, that Jesus taught his disciples by having them make observations in nature (Matthew 6). Observations can be made from the Word (what stuck out to you), and from doing “High’s and Low’s” around the table. Where ever the observation comes from. we are training disciples to see that Jesus is all around them all the time. (John 15)
Reflection Phase
Getting to the "why" or "reflection" piece is key to the Learning Circle because it allows us to actually speak the truth about the situation and to speak it out loud. Don't be afraid to press into the "why". A wise man once said, "people already have the answer inside them, they just need help saying it out loud." Once this is spoken out loud, the application of the scripture becomes life-giving.
Discussion Phase
Stick with this language during the discussion phase, “Here’s what I heard you say, and here’s what I am reminded of …” It is imperative to use this language as it keeps us from telling others what to do.
Making a Plan
Making a plan is also critical in the process of discipleship for without a plan we cannot believe the good news. This is where we put our faith to the test trusting Jesus with both our obedience and the outcome and it is where He tells us, “did I not tell you that if you would believe that you would see my glory?” (John 11) We use a format of eight “test points” to make sure our plan can be completed. STARWARS lays out for the individuals in our group a healthy way to realistically accomplish their plan. You can find those eight points at the link above.
A little accountability is all you need here. The accountability falls completely on the one in the learning circle. It is their duty to let the group know how they are progressing with their plan. Every piece of obedience yields transformation and these acts of obedience will yield a crop of righteousness. (Hebrews 12)
Action Phase
This is the natural end result of working a plan and producing fruit and transformation. In addition, we will see