I do not call you slaves anymore, because a slave doesn’t know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have heard from My Father. - John 15:15
There is a point in His ministry where Jesus had taught His disciples much about the kingdom of God. But then, from that point on he was preparing them to take over sharing the message with others. In Phase 3 we are looking to do the same with those in our group. We are no longer teaching face to face but have now focused on sharing the kingdom shoulder to shoulder. We want to provide a “safe place” to reteach our tools and pathway before we Deploy those who are in our group.
We ask that each person in your group reteach one or more of the tools they have been experienced in the group. This method allows a two-fold opportunity for your group. First, the person teaching gets a chance to teach the tools and then get feedback and coaching about how they taught it. Second, it allows the group to revisit the tools and to reevaluate how they are doing in that part of their life.
Competency is another important part to the Discipleship Pathway. If the people in our group are not able to teach or replicate the tools and experience they have had for others, then we have failed teaching them by the methods that Jesus taught. When Jesus walked with his disciples for those three years, He showed and taught them methods that they could then replicate when He had returned to heaven.
Benchmark | People of Peace
As our group begins to move into Phase 4:Deployment, we need to begin to look for People of Peace to continue the discipling journey with. A Person of Peace is simply someone that God has prepared ahead of time to hear the message of the gospel or be discipled through you. We recognize People of Peace as those who welcome us, like to be with us, and have “big ears” for what we have to say. These People of Peace, will eventually become the individuals that you will disciple in the same way that has been done for you by your discipling leader.