Sharing your Story

Your story has made you the person that you are today! And now you’re going to get to share it together as a group. By bringing honesty, vulnerability and transparency to your group you are going to find a deep connection that you will be able to build on for the rest of your time together as a D-Group.

Use this video to teach your group how to share their story.

Use this for video for Leader Tips.

Sharing our stories is one of the most important pieces of Discipleship.


  • Sharing your stories with one another will set a foundation for your time together.

  • Each individual will share significant moments or “benchmarks” in their life that has formed them into who they are today.


  • Encourage each member to be open and honest while sharing their story. This transparency builds deeper trust and relational equity within the group.

  • Affirm that D-Group is a closed-door meeting where information will not be discussed with others outside of the group.

  • Encourage them to take notes and ask questions during the stories.

  • You and your co-leader should each share your stories first, displaying honest and vulnerable examples of “benchmarks” in your lives.


If we do not have relational equity with the people in our group it is going to be hard for us to be open and honest with one another. When each of our group members is given the time to share, they feel heard and understood with how they have got to where they are today. Each of us are uniquely crafted and each have a unique story of how the Lord has led us to this point. As each person shares, the other people in your group are to be encouraged to take notes and ask questions to get to know that person better.

As the leader, you are asked to go first, to share your story and give an example for the group of what you are looking for. Ideally, you will start from a young age and share the “benchmarks” in your life that have made you into the person you are today. What was your home like growing up? Were your parents married, divorced or separated? Did your family go to church? The more we know about each other, the better we can speak into each others lives as the group moves forward!