Phase Two Tools



This tool is designed to teach people how to hear the voice of the Lord and respond to it. Heaven is waiting to break in to the lives of His people. This tool will help individuals experience transformation.

Too often, people base their identities on what they do (from their jobs to their roles in relationships), defining themselves by those pursuits. But, by doing so, they significantly limit their lives. The truth is that God intends for all people to find their identity in Christ.


Imagine a hexagon with each "leg" of the Lord's prayer on a side. Praying through each "leg" will eventually cause you to pause and reflect on what the Lord wants to speak to you. This is a great tool to build guide your prayer life.

What if we were to enable God to penetrate every area of our life and help us make our decisions based on how He is leading us? This tool gives us the chance to evaluate our main influences in eight prominent arenas of our life.


The Marriage Square is designed to show the power of the four known types of love confined to the sacred covenant of marriage. We use it as a powerful picture of life and a mirror of how the mystery of “oneness” can be obtained.


This tool is designed to help the body understand where they are in their walk with Jesus and recognize it in others. By learning where others are on their journey, we will be equipped to help give them what they need to progress.


Applying the Up, In, & Out rhythms to our lives allows us to find a healthy spiritual balance in our lives. It all begins with the Up, our relationship with Jesus. From there, the In and Out are built upon our deep abiding love for Him. We desire community with one another (The In) in addition to desiring to share the truth of Jesus with others (The Out).

Based off of teaching from Ephesians 4, we see unique ways that each individual is gifted for “the building of the body”. Though we are each unique in our gifting, all are needed for the church to grow into maturity like that of Christ. This survey tool allows us to see how each person is gifted and teach them what it means to work out of that gifting for the sake of the church.


We want a life that produces fruit. Jesus tells us clearly that we cannot produce fruit unless we abide. Jesus says that out of our abiding, we will produce much fruit, so this becomes a rhythm for life. In addition, we are not filled up to work unless we are willing to rest. We have been created to flourish best when we Abide with Christ and rest from our work. This tool offers us a chance to reflect on how well we are doing in these areas by looking at the product of what we are producing.


This tool allows individuals to have a clear picture of where they are and what might be their next best step in generosity. Understanding that generosity is not limited to finances, this tool shows each person always has room to grow in how we steward our time, talents, and treasures.


The gospel of Jesus Christ is the most profound reality of life. Sharing it with someone can be as simple as drawing three circles.

This tool can help us to not only understand the Gospel, but also share the Gospel as we engage the world around us. Use this tool as a training ground for your group to fully grasp a simple method of sharing how Christ counteracts the brokenness in this world.


The OUT is very important for your group to experience together. In the context of the D3 Pathway this means your group is meeting a physical need and sharing the gospel with those that you serve. One of the greatest ways to forward the message of The Kingdom is to bring Kingdom to those around us.